Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Will you live or will you die?

Suicide: An Unnecessary Death is an interesting book that addresses all the major areas of concern and interest. This is a subject that makes us feel sad and to some extent still remains a taboo in society. Suicidal behavior is a leading cause of injury and death worldwide. A cold look at data collates and disseminates by WHO on mortality and morbidity indicates approximately 1 million people around the world take their life every year and at least 10 times as many attempted suicide. It is regrettable that only a handful of authorities realised the economic and human burden suicide caused. Do they care about the suffering of families, friends and loved ones left behind? Are there sufficient ongoing efforts to decrease the significant loss of life caused by suicidal behavior? Do men live and die in vain? How sorrowful to approach the end of life without any accomplishment or closure.....

The past is but the beginning of a beginning, and all that is or has been is but the twilight of the dawn -H.G. Wells