Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It is time to look inward

While many of us would like to change the world, few of us see the need to change ourselves. If we cannot see the world through the eyes of others, how much less are we able to love our neighbour as ourselves. Until we understand each other, we will never make common cause. Peer into the New Year and we cannot help feeling a little queasy for the world is losing its capacity for empathy and is easily influence into compromising all wrong causes. We have much to be thankful for but as we head into 2010, can the lessons of faith, hope and love guide us to change our ways to become a better person? Are we willing to improve ourselves individually and then become a better nation collectively. Perhaps becoming more empathetic and compassionte is the first step to put us on the right path of the New Year's resolutions...just start by being kind to others.